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Academic Requirements

We will require Maths at GCSE level for all subjects (or Year 10/11 in the education system for other countries).

Entry Requirements


Foundation - Completion of Grade 12 Graduation Certificate with 60% (with no less than 70% in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Completion of Grade 14 Diploma with 70% (with no less than 70% in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Successful completion of Ensino Geral Certificado de Habilitações / Certificado de Habilitações (with no less than 12 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Successful completion of Ensino Geral Certificado de Habilitações / Certificado de Habilitações / Pre-university Certificate with 12 overall (with no less than 12 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Certificate of Secondary General Education with 7.5 overall (with no less than 12 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Certificate of Unified Examination with 7.5 overall along with the Certificate of Completed Secondary Education (with no less than 12 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Successful completion of Year 10 (with no less than 60% in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Successful completion of Year 12 with a minimum 50% pass rate (with no less than 60% in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Reifeprüfung / Matura with overall grade of 4 or above (with no less than 2 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Reifeprüfung / Matura with overall grade of 3 or above (with no less than 2 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Completion of Tam Orta Təhsil Haqqında Attestat (Certificate of Complete Secondary Education) with overall pass (with no less than 4 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Completion of Tam Orta Təhsil Haqqında Attestat (Certificate of Complete Secondary Education) with 4 overall (with no less than 4 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Completion of General Secondary Education Certificate / Shahadat Al-Thanawaya Al-Aama: 55% average (with no less than 60% in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Completion of General Secondary Education Certificate / Shahadat Al-Thanawaya Al-Aama: 60% average (with no less than 60% in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Successful completion of HSC/intermediate certificate (10+2) with minimum GPA 2.0 (with no less than B in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Successful completion of HSC/intermediate certificate (10+2) with minimum GPA 3.0 (with no less than B in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above (3-year degrees will be considered as part of a suitable overall application including appropriate work experience).


Foundation - Successful completion of Certificate of General Secondary Education / Атэстат аб агульнай сярэдняй адукацыi (with no less than 6 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Certificate of general Secondary Education / Атэстат аб агульнай сярэдняй адукацыi with a GPA min 6.0 (with no less than 6 in subjects when higher grades are required*) or Diploma of Specialised Secondary Education (with no less than 6 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - 5 passes at GCE Ordinary Level (with no less than C in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - 6 passes at CAPE/CXC (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Certificat d’Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur or Diplôme d’accès à l’enseignment supérieur (French-speaking community) / Diploma van secundair onderwijs (Flemish-speaking community) / Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts (German-speaking community) with 50% average (with no less than 60% in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Certificat d’Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur or Diplôme d’accès à l’enseignment supérieur (French-speaking community) / Diploma van secundair onderwijs (Flemish-speaking community) / Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts (German-speaking community) with 60% average (with no less than 60% in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Secondary School Certificate (with no less than C- in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - 120/48 UCAS tariff points at GCE A/AS Level or equivalent.


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Diploma de Bachiller, with 51 or above (with no less than 64 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Diploma de Bachiller, with 64 or above (with no less than 64 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Successful completion of the Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education or 5 passes at IGCSE (with no less than C in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - 120/48 UCAS tariff points at GCE A/AS Level or equivalent.


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Satisfactory pass in Certificado Conclusão de Ensino Médio with grade 5 average (with no less than 60% in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Satisfactory pass in Certificado Conclusão de Ensino Médio with grade 6 average (with no less than 60% in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - 5 passes (1 to 3) at Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - 6 passes at CAPE/CXC (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - 5 Passes at Brunei-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - 120/48 UCAS tariff points at Brunei-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Advanced Level.


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Certificate of Second Stage of Completed Secondary Education with 3 overall (with no less than 4 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Diploma of Completed Secondary Education with 3.5 overall (with no less than 4 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Successful completion of Diploma of Upper Secondary with a minimum of 50% average overall (with no less than C in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Successful completion of Diploma of Upper Secondary with a minimum of 60% average overall (with no less than C in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Successful completion of grade 11: 60% Average (with no less than 60% in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Successful completion of Grade 12: 60% average (with no less than 60% in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above (2-year Diplomas will be considered as part of a suitable overall application including appropriate work experience).


Foundation - Successful completion of Licencia de Educación / Enseñanza media (with no less than 5 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Licencia de Educación / Enseñanza media: 5 average (with no less than 5 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Successful completion of Senior Middle School 2 with a 60% average (with no less than 70% / B in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Successful completion of Senior Middle School 3 with a 60% average (with no less than 70% / B in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above (2-year Canadian Diplomas will be considered as part of a suitable overall application including appropriate work experience).


Foundation - Completion of Bachiller Académico (with no less than "desempeño alto" in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Completion of Bachilerato (Academic) with 3.5 GPA average (with no less than "desempeño alto" in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Bachiller en Educación Media, with 65% (with no less than 80% in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Bachiller en Educación Media, with 80% (with no less than 80% in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Svjedodžba o Završnome Radu (Certificate of Completion - 3-year programme) with grade 2 average (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Matura Certificate/State Matura Certificate/Certificate of Passed State Matura Examination with grade 2 average (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Título de Bachiller with 60% overall (with no less than 70% in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Título de Bachiller with 80% overall (with no less than 80% in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate (Apolytírio Lykeíou) with grade 10 / 46% average (with no less than 13 / 61% in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate (Apolytírio Lykeíou) with grade 12 / 56% average (with no less than 14 / 66% in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Completion of 2 years of gymnázium or střední with grade 4 (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Vysvědčení o maturitní zkoušcea / Maturita with grade 4 average (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Folkeskolens 10. Klasseprøve (Class 10 Advanced Leaving Examination) with grade 02 average (with no less than 7 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Higher Examination certificate (General/Preparatory/Commercial/Technical) with grade 02 average (with no less than 7 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - 5 passes (1 to 3) at Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - 6 passes at CAPE/CXC (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Bachillerato 70% (with no less than 70% in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Bachillerato 80% (with no less than 80% in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Título de Bachiller en Ciencias / Título de Bachiller Técnico Industrial with grade 7 average (with no less than 7.5 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Título de Bachiller en Ciencias / Título de Bachiller Técnico Industrial with grade 8 average (with no less than 8 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Satisfactory pass in Secondary Education Certificate of Al-Azhar with 50% average (with no less than 60% in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Certificate of General Secondary Education with 60% average (with no less than 65% in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus with the Riigieksamitunnistus (Secondary School Leaving Certificate with the State Examination Certificate) with an average of at least 3 (with no less than 4 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus with the Riigieksamitunnistus (Secondary School Leaving Certificate with the State Examination Certificate) with an average of at least 4 (with no less than 4 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - 5 EGCSE/IGCSE passes at A-E (with no less than C in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Completion of Certificate or Diploma from University of Eswatini (with no less than C in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - European Baccalaureate with average 5 (with no less than 6 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - European Baccalaureate with average 6 (with no less than 6 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Ammatillinen Perustutkinto / Yrkesinriktad Grundexamen (Vocational Upper Secondary Award) with grade 2 average (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Ylioppilastutkintotodistus/Studentexamensbetyg (Matriculation Examination) overall grade of 2/"Approbatur" (with no less than 4/"Cum laude approbatur" in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Brevet de Technicien / Brevet Professionnel / Brevet des Métiers d'Art / Brevet de Maîtrise / Brevet Technique des Métiers with grade 10 average (with no less than 14 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Completion of Diplôme du baccalauréat général/professionnel/technologique with grade 10 average (with no less than 14 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Completion of General Education Diploma (Sashualo Ganatlebis Atestati) with grade 5/E average (with no less than 8/C in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Completion of General Education Diploma (Sashualo Ganatlebis Atestati) with grade 7/D average (with no less than 8/C in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Hauptschulabschluss (awarded on completion of year 10) OR Realschulabschluss or equialent, with average grade 4 (with no less than 2 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife/Abitur, with average grade 4 (with no less than 10 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Completion of SSCE (WAEC/NECO) with a minimum of 5 passes at grade D7 (with no less than C6 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Completion of SSCE (WAEC/NECO) with a minimum of 5 passes at grade C6 (with no less than C6 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate/Apolytírio Eniaíou Lykeíou, with grade 9.5 average (with no less than 13 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate/Apolytírio Eniaíou Lykeíou, with grade 12 average (with no less than 14 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - 5 passes (1 to 3) at Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - 6 passes at CAPE/CXC (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Completion of Diplôme d'Enseignement Secondaire or Baccalauréate (with no less than 70% / B in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Completion of Diplôme d'Enseignement Secondaire or Baccalauréate, with 70% / B average (with no less than 70% / B in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Successful completion of Form 5 (with no less than 55% in subjects when higher grades are required*).
HKDSE with a total of 6 points (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - HKDSE with a total of 9 points (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Érettségi Bizonyítvány with overall grade of 2 or above (with no less than 4 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Érettségi Bizonyítvány with overall grade of 3 or above (with no less than 4 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Completion of All India or State Board SSC (X): Grade average 50% (with no less than 60% in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Completion of All India or State Board HSC (XII): Grade average 50% (with no less than 60% in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Successful Completion of SMK/ SMA II (Year 11) with an average of 60% (with no less than 71% in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Sekolah Menengah Atas/Madrasah Aliyah (SMA/MA - year 12) Certificate of Graduation from Academic/Islamic Secondary School with an average of 60% (with no less than 71% in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Completion of Middle Year Programme or IB Certificate (with no less than 3 at Higher Level or 4 at Standard Level in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - 24 points (with no less than 3 at Higher Level or 4 at Standard Level in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - NA


Foundation - High School Diploma - theoretical stream (when studied for three years) with an average of 10/20 (with no less than 14/20 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - High School Diploma - theoretical stream (when studied for three years) with an average of 12/20 (with no less than 14/20 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Ardteistiméireacht Leaving Certificate with 5 Ordinary Level subjects at 50% / 5 (with no less than 60% / 4 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Ardteistiméireacht Leaving Certificate with 5 Higher Level subjects at 50% / 5 (with no less than 60% / 4 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Successful completion of Classa Quarta (Scuola Secondaria Superiore o di Secondo Grado) with at least 7 overall (with no less than 7 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Successful completion of Diploma di Esame di Stato (from a general high school) with 60/100 or above (with no less than 7 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - 5 passes (1 to 3) at Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - 6 passes at CAPE/CXC (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Upper Secondary School Graduation Certificate (also known as Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate) with grade 2 average (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Upper Secondary School Graduation Certificate (also known as Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate) with grade 3 average (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Certificate of General Secondary Education with minimum 50% average (with no less than 70% in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Certificate of General Secondary Education with minimum 70% average (with no less than 70% in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Certificate of Completed Secondary Education, with GPA 3.0 (with no less than 4 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Certificate of Completed Secondary Education or NIS Grade Certificate, with GPA 4.0 (with no less than 4 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Successful completion of Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) with a minimum of 5 passes with a grade D (with no less than C in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Successful completion of Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) with a minimum of 4 passes at grade C (with no less than C+ in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Completion of General Secondary Education Certificate (Shahadat Al-Thanawaya Al-Aama): minimum 60% average (with no less than 70% in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Completion of a nationally recognised diploma with minimum 1.67 out of 4.0 (with no less than 70% in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Certificate of Completed Secondary Education, with GPA 3.0 (with no less than 4 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Certificate of Completed Secondary Education, with GPA 4.0 (with no less than 4 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Successful completion of Upper Secondary School Diploma with grade 5 average (with no less than 7 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Successful completion of Higher Diploma or Technical and Vocational Education (TVE) Diploma (with no less than 7 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Atestāts par vispārējo vidējo izglītību, with average of at least 4 (with no less than 7 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Atestāts par vispārējo vidējo izglītību, with average of at least 6.5 (with no less than 7 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Successful completion of General Secondary Certificate / Baccalauréate Libanais, with grade 10 overall (with no less than 12 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Successful completion of General Secondary Certificate / Baccalauréate Libanais, with grade 14 overall (with no less than 14 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Pagrindinio Išsilavinimo Pažymejimas / Basic School Leaving Certificate, with grade 8 average (with no less than 8 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Brandos Atestatas / Secondary School Leaving Certificate, with grade 5 average (with no less than 8 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Certificat de fin d'études moyenne, with overall grade of 30 (with no less than 40 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Diplôme de fin d’études secondaires, with overall grade of 30 (with no less than 40 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Certificado de Ensino Secundário Complementar / Senior Secondary Graduation Certificate / Form 6 Graduation Certificate, with overall pass (with no less than 70% in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Certificado de Ensino Secundário Complementar / Senior Secondary Graduation Certificate / Form 6 Graduation Certificate, with 70% overall (with no less than 70% in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Malaŵi School Certificate of Education with 5 passes at grade 7 (with no less than 6 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Malaŵi School Certificate of Education with 5 passes at grade 6 (with no less than 6 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Completion of SPM Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia / Malaysia Certificate of Education, with 5 passes at grade E OR 3 passes at grade D (with no less than C in subjects when higher grades are required*) OR successful completion of UEC Unified Examination Certificate, with a minimum of 4 passes at C8 (with no less than B6 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Completion of STPM Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia / Malaysia Higher School Certificate, with a minimum 2 passes at grade D (with no less than C in subjects when higher grades are required*) OR successful completion of UEC Unified Examination Certificate, with a minimum of 2 passes at C8 and 2 passes at B6 (with no less than B6 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Secondary Education Certificate, with overall grade of 5 (with no less than 4 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Matriculation Certificate Examination, with Grade E average (with no less than C in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - 5 passes at Cambridge School Certificate/General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (with no less than C in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - 48 UCAS tariff points at Cambridge Higher School Certificate/General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (with no less than C in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Completion of Título Académico de Bachiller/Diploma de Bachiller/Bachillerato General, with a minimum grade of 6, (with no less than 7.5 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Completion of Título Académico de Bachiller/Diploma de Bachiller/Bachillerato General, with a minimum grade of 7 (with no less than 7.5 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Certificate of Completed Secondary Education /Atestat de Studii Medii de Cultură Generală, with overall pass (with no less than 7 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Successful completion of the Diplomă de Bacalaureat, with an average of 5 (with no less than 7 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Certificate of Complete Secondary Education with a minimum average of 60% (with no less than 70% in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Certificate of Complete Secondary Education with a minimum average of 70% (with no less than 70% in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Diplôme du Baccalauréat Technique with a 10 average (with no less than 14 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Attestat du Baccalauréat with a 12 average (with no less than 14 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Completion of Basic Education High School Examination / Matriculation Examination with an overall pass (with no less than 60% in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Completion of Technical High School Diploma with an overall pass (with no less than 60% in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Completion of School Leaving Certificate Examination with overall pass (with no less than B/2.8 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Completion of Higher Secondary Education Board Examination (with no less than B/2.8 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs (HAVO) diploma, with an average grade 6 (with no less than 8 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO) (Gynasium A/B and Atheneum A/B) diploma, with average grade 6 OR Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs (HAVO) diploma, with average grade 7 (with no less than 8 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Completion of SSCE (WAEC/NECO) with a minimum of 5 passes at grade D7 (with no less than C6 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Completion of SSCE (WAEC/NECO) with a minimum of 5 passes at grade C6 (with no less than C6 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Vitnemål for grunnskolen (Leaving Certificate from Lower Secondary School), with 3 overall (with no less than 4 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Vitnemål for videregående opplæring (Leaving Certificate from Upper Secondary School), with 3 overall (with no less than 4 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Completion of General Education Diploma, with 60% overall (with no less than 80% in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Completion of Post-School Diploma (with no less than 80% in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Completion of HSC (XII) with grade average of 50% (with no less than 60% in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Completion of HSC (XII) with grade average of 55% (with no less than 60% in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A university level qualification equivalent to a UK HND or above.


Foundation - Bachillerato/Bachiller, with GPA 3/5 (with no less than 4 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Bachillerato/Bachiller, with GPA 4/5 (with no less than 4 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Título de Bachillerato, with grade 2 average (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Título de Técnico Superior, with overall pass (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Certificado de Educación Secundaria Común Completa, with overall B (with no less than A in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Título de Profesional Técnico, with overall pass (with no less than 14 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Successful completion of year 11 (with no less than AP/80% in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Successful completion of Certificate/Diploma (Katunayan/Katibayan) - Senior High School Academic track (with no less than AP/80% in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Świadectwo Ukończenia Liceum Ogólnokształcącego (Certificate of Completion from a General Lyceum) with overall pass (with no less than 60% in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Świadectwo Dojrzałości (Certificate of Maturity) with overall pass (with no less than 60% in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Completion of Year 11, with grade 12 average (with no less than 14 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Diploma Nível Secundário de Educação / Certificado Nível Secundário de Educação, with grade 10 average (with no less than 14 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Completion of General Secondary Education Certificate/Shahadat Al-Thanawaya Al-Aama, with 50% average (with no less than 70% in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Completion of General Secondary Education Certificate/Shahadat Al-Thanawaya Al-Aama, with 70% average (with no less than 70% in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Diplomă / Certificat de Absolvire a Invăţământului Obligatoriu de 10 ani / Compulsory Education Graduation Diploma / Certificate (Grade 10), with overall score of 5 (with no less than 8 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Completion of Certificate of Secondary General Education / Аттестат о среднем общем образовании, with GPA 4.0 or Certificate of Unified State Examination / свидетельство о результатах ЕГЭ (with no less than 4 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Completion of Certificate of Secondary General Education / Аттестат о среднем общем образовании, with GPA 3.0 (with no less than 4 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Completion of Certificate of Secondary General Education / Аттестат о среднем общем образовании, with GPA 4.0 or Certificate of Unified State Examination / свидетельство о результатах ЕГЭ (with no less than 4 in subjects when higher grades are required).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Completion of General Secondary Education Certificate: 60% (with no less than 60% in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Completion of a nationally recognised diploma with minimum 2.0 out of 5.0 (with no less than 70% in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - 5 passes at Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (with no less than C6 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - 48 UCAS tariff points at Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (with no less than C in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Vysvedčenie o maturitnej skúške / Secondary School Leaving Certificate, with overall score of 4 (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Vysvedčenie o maturitnej skúške / Secondary School Leaving Certificate, with overall score of 3 (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Maturitetno spričevalo / Matura Certificate, with overall score of 2 (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Maturitetno spričevalo / Matura Certificate, with overall score of 3 (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - National Senior Certificate (NSC) with a minimum of 4 passes at grade 2 (with no less than 4 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - National Senior Certificate (NSC) with a minimum of 4 passes at grade 3 (with no less than 4 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - High School (Year 11), with C/70% average (with no less than C/70% in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - High School Certificate of Graduation (academic stream) / High School Diploma, with C/70% average (with no less than C/70% in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Título de Graduado en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO), with overall Pass (with no less than 6 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Título de Bachiller, with overall Pass (with no less than 6 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Sri Lankan General Certificate of Education - Ordinary level, with 5 passes or equivalent (with no less than C in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Sri Lankan General Certificate of Education - Advanced level, with 3 passes at C or 4 passes at S (with no less than C in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - 5 passes (1 to 3) at Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - 6 passes at CAPE/CXC (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - 5 passes (1 to 3) at Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - 6 passes at CAPE/CXC (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - 5 passes (1 to 3) at Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - 6 passes at CAPE/CXC (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Successful completion of Junior Secondary Education.

First year direct entry - Successful completion of Upper Secondary Education.


Pre-Masters - Graduation with minimum pass in a degree.


Foundation - Slutbetyg från Grundskolan / Compulsory Education Leaving Certificate, with grade 10/E average (with no less than 15/C in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Högskoleförberedande Examen / Higher Education Preparatory Diploma, with grade 10/E average (with no less than 15/C in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Successful completion of Senior Middle School 2 with a 60% average (with no less than 70% in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Successful completion of Senior High School Diploma / Senior High School Graduation Certificate, with a 60% average (with no less than 70% in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Certificate of Completed Secondary Education / Аттестат о среднем (полном) образовании, with overall pass (with no less than 4 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Certificate of Completed Secondary Education / Аттестат о среднем (полном) образовании, with GPA 4 (with no less than 4 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE/CSEE) with 5 subjects at D or equivalent (with no less than B in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (ACSE) with 3 subjects at E or equivalent (with no less than C in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Completion of Matthayom/Maw 5, with a GPA of 2.5 (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Completion of Matthayom/Maw 6, with a GPA of 2.5 (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - 5 passes (1 to 3) at Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - 6 passes at CAPE/CXC (with no less than 3 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Completion of Lise Diplomasi / High School Diploma or Devlet Lise Diplomasi / State High School Diploma, with overall pass (with no less than 70% in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Completion of Lise Diplomasi / High School Diploma or Devlet Lise Diplomasi / State High School Diploma, with 60% average (with no less than 70% in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Orta bilim hakynda şahadatnama / Certificate of Secondary Education, with overall pass (with no less than 4 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Orta bilim hakynda şahadatnama / Certificate of Secondary Education, with GPA 4 (with no less than 4 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Completion of Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) with 5 passes at grade 7 (with no less than 6 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Completion of Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) with at least 3 passes at E / Principal Level (with no less than C in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - 5 GCSE passes at A-E/9-3 or 24 UCAS tariff points (with no less than C/4 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - 48 UCAS tariff points at GCE A/AS level (with no less than C/4 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Aтестат про повну загальну середню освіту / Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education (with no less than 7 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Aтестат про повну загальну середню освіту / Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education, with 7/12 overall (with no less than 7 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - General Secondary Education Certificate Examination, with 60% average (with no less than 70% in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - General Secondary Education Certificate Examination, with 70% average (with no less than 70% in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Título de Bachillerato Diversificado, with Grade 6 (with no less than 7 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Título de Bachillerato Diversificado, with Grade 7 (with no less than 7 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - High School Graduation Diploma, with GPA 2.0 or above (with no less than 2.5 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - High School Graduation Diploma, with GPA 2.5 or above (with no less than 2.5 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Umumiy o'rta ta'lim to'g'risida attestat/shahodatnoma / Certificate of General Secondary Education (grade 11/XI), with overall pass (with no less than 4 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Umumiy o'rta ta'lim to'g'risida attestat/shahodatnoma / Certificate of General Secondary Education (grade 11/XI), with 4 average (with no less than 4 in subjects when higher grades are required*) OR Akademik litsey sertifikati/diploma / Certificate/Diploma of Academic Lyceum (with no less than 4 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Título de Educación Media General (with no less than 14 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Título de Educación Media General, with grade 13 average (with no less than 14 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Completion of Year 11, with a GPA from the 9 scored subjects of 6.0 or Year 12, with GPA from the 9 scored subjects of 5.0 (with no less than 6.5 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Completion of Year 12, with GPA from the 9 scored subjects of 6.5 (with no less than 6.5 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Zambia School Certificate (ZSC) with 5 passes at grade 7 (with no less than 6 in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Zambia School Certificate (ZSC) with 5 passes at grade 5 average (with no less than 4 in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.


Foundation - Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education at Ordinary Level with 5 passes (with no less than C in subjects when higher grades are required*).

First year direct entry - Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education at Advanced Level, with 2 passes at grade D (with no less than C in subjects when higher grades are required*).


Pre-Masters - A higher education qualification equivalent to a UK Higher National Diploma (HND) or above.

* Good grades required for the following pathways/subjects

  • Construction Management and Building Surveying: Maths
  • Biological and Biomedical Sciences: Maths + general Science subjects
  • Accounting & Finance: Maths
  • Economics: Maths
  • Computing: Maths. For First Year direct entry, applicants will also need to show some evidence of Computer Programming, either in their academics or as work experience on their CV
  • Mathematical Sciences: Maths
  • Environmental Sciences: Maths + general Science subjects
  • Engineering & Robotics (including Architectural Engineering): Maths + Physics
  • Health & Human Sciences: Maths + general Science subjects
  • Navigation, Marine & Ocean: Maths + general Science subjects

Please contact our admissions team for further details:

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