Start dates available in September and January!
Ready to make your mark in the legal world? Set your sights high with our Law studies programme.
The University of Plymouth Law School has strong public and private sector connections, and you can decide whether you want to qualify for the legal profession (LLB) or the BSc. With a strong focus on developing skills in the workplace, you will learn the fundamentals of law to prepare you for a successful career.
If you choose to specialise in Criminology and Criminal Justice, you will examine how and why people commit crimes and how we, as a society, deal with criminality.
- Two semesters
- September and January
- £15,950
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Programme Details
Location: UPIC at the University of Plymouth
Intake: September and January
Semester 1
- ILS1AND3 – Interactive Learning Skills and Communication
100% Coursework
This module has been designed to help students develop their academic literacy and communication skills in preparation for undergraduate study. It will enable students to understand the institutional culture, practices, norms and expectations of British higher education. Our students will develop academic research and communication skills using contemporary resources. As a result, this will raise students’ English language levels to the required entry point for undergraduate entry.
- BUS108 – Business Law
40% Coursework / 60% Exams
This module has been designed to be delivered in conjunction with University Foundation programmes in Business Studies and International Relations and Politics. It highlights some of the fundamental aspects of business, business management and the legal context of operations to students seeking to progress to one of the prescribed Business undergraduate degree programmes at the University of Plymouth. Students will gain an appreciation of the knowledge and skills needed to run a business.
- BUS107 – Principles of ICT
100% Coursework
This Principles of ICT module attempts to deliver an accurate snapshot of the state of ICT as it exists currently. It equips students with a useful set of skills in the use of common productivity software and Internet based applications. The module introduces candidates to the interesting challenges that ICT presents today and covers many anchor points that may serve as a bridge to their interests and lifestyles. These bridges include the technology in their mobile telephones, computing equipment, home appliances, motor vehicles, shopping, movies and entertainment software.
- BUS105 – Business Studies
50% Coursework / 50% Exams
To provide students with an introduction to the fundamentals of the context and function of business. You will explore globalisation, ethics and sustainability, operations, marketing and HR, strategy, leadership and management.
Semester 2
- LAW100 – Legal Skills and the English Legal System
100% Coursework
This module has been designed to be delivered in conjunction with substantive law modules that make up the law-specific semester of the International Foundation in Law. These consist of the Contract Law (see DMD IF/LAW101), Constitutional Law (see DMD IF/LAW103), and Academic Writing for Law (see DMD IF/LAWAW); and contain core elements which seek to deliver the fundamental aspects of studying the law within the UK and the wider global context.
Successful candidates are eligible to transfer to the prescribed undergraduate University of Plymouth degree schemes at Level 1. In preparation for further study of aspects of the law, the programme provides an appreciation of the knowledge and skills required to study and eventually practice the law. By encouraging candidates to impart this knowledge in an open class forum (small group tutorial presentations), the beginnings of professional organisation and presentation skills within a legal-facing context are developed and encouraged.
- LAW103 – Constitutional Law
100% Exams
This module has been designed to be delivered in conjunction with substantive law modules that make up the law-specific semester of the International Foundation in Law. These consist of: Legal Skills and the English Legal System (see DMD IF/LAW100), Constitutional Law (see DMD IF/LAW103), and Academic Writing for Law (see DMD IF/LAWAW); and contain core elements which seek to deliver the fundamental aspects of studying the law within the UK and the wider global context.
Successful completion of this module indicates that students have obtained a good understanding of and ability to apply the requisite legal knowledge and skills to enable them to proceed to: Level 1 of the prescribed degree schemes at the University of Plymouth.
- LAW101 – Contract Law
100% Exams
This module has been designed to be delivered in conjunction with substantive law modules that make up the law-specific semester of the International Foundation in Law. These consist of: Legal Skills and the English Legal System (see DMD IF/LAW100), Constitutional Law (see DMD IF/LAW103), and Academic Writing for Law (see DMD IF/LAWAW); and contain core elements which seek to deliver the fundamental aspects of studying the law within the UK and the wider global context.
Successful completion of this module indicates that students have obtained a good understanding of and ability to apply the requisite legal knowledge and skills to enable them to proceed to: Level 1 of the prescribed degree schemes of University of Plymouth.
- LAWAW – Academic Writing for Law
100% Coursework
The Academic Writing module provides students with a structured introduction to all aspects and stages of the academic writing process. It is designed to allow students the knowledge and skills required for the preparation and completion of written assignments within the University of Plymouth parameters.
This includes research and note-taking; structuring work; drafting and redrafting; editing and proof-reading; achieving an effective academic style; referencing; writing effectively under exam conditions; using feedback on your written work and grammar and punctuation.
In addition, the module also provides a supportive academic and pastoral framework for students.
- Barrister
- Judge
- Lawyer
- Paralegal

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